Friday, September 1, 2017

Hey, Big Spender!

Today was this year's Bring and Buy sale down at the club.  I am usually circumspect and frugal on such occasions, but today, for the first time ever, I spent more than $100.  For me, that is splashing it about.  Here's the score:
This morning's purchases.  The big item. of course, was the
Memoir 44 board game.

The big item was the boxed set Memoir 44, which I have, with considerable interest, read about on several blogs.  That was nearly half my expenses, but I was extremely pleased with my other purchases:

  • Quick Build Box: T26 Tanks
  • Quick Build Box: A13 Tanks - with a surprise!

One of those delightful occasions when 1+1=3.  I found this
only after I had brought the swag home.

  • 'Blast' markers (12);
  • Plastic trees (12) - one can never have too many trees;
  • 27 small dark blue dice (which will very likely serve as Strength Point markers);
  • Small packet of foliage/ground cover material
  • Copy of Joseph Campbell's The Hero With a Thousand Faces. I have read much of the book before, but never owned a copy...

Altogether, a very satisfactory morning for $110, including entree through the door. In the manner of the Five who went mad in Dorset: "Hoo-Rah!"


  1. Great haul! I use Campbell a lot in my teaching - he is great for linking the Odyssey to Star Wars!

    1. ...And the rest! Heracles and Harry Potter and Gesar and Hrolf Kraki; Lyra Belacqua and Prometheus and Maui and Coyote, not to mention Anansi. Fascinating topic, the achetype featurimng in many a children's or young adult story.

      For the rest: plenty to play with here!

  2. Some very astute investments there sir!

  3. Well done Ion! I did see you there but you were deep in conversation.

    1. I'm sorry to have missed you, Rodger. Didn't see you at all. Thought I saw Adrian at one point, but not sure... Anyway, did you find much of interest there?

    2. Not a lot to be fair. Did come away with a unit of French Chasseurs a cheval from Chris, but that is going to cost me later, by having to build something for him! The only other was a German gotha Go244 for my WW2 German Para's.

    3. One usually finds something of interest!

  4. Replies
    1. Indeed! There was no indication from the vendor, neither.

  5. Memoir '44 eh, now there's a game I love. I look forward to seeing what you make of it.


    1. Paul, so am I! I've read from you and others quite a bit about it, so when I saw it jumping up and down on table yelling 'Buy me! Buy me!' well... what does a man do?

  6. Now that seems to have been an excellent set of purchases!

    I think that you will find MEMOIR '44 can give you lots of great wargames ... and a few game design ideas.

    All the best,


    1. You're not wrong about the game design ideas! And I daresay I'll have quite a bit of fun with it...

  7. Fast build A10's...where were they 40 years ago eh?

    1. Those and portee mounted 2pr guns; oh, and PzIIIHs. I reckon the Western desert would have been a far more popular wargames campaign had they been around then! I tried my hand at scratch building a 2pr portee and gun, and never was satisfied with the result.

  8. I went today and picked up mostly sci-fi figures for 35. Managed to fight the urge for other things but while in aussie this week finally made those p38t's.

  9. Looks like you picked up some great deals!

    1. You're not wrong Brian! Tried out the Pegasus bridge scenario solo this evening. Allied victory, though a costly one: captured both bridges (Caen Canal and Orne River- 2VP) and knocked over 10 German figures (another 2 VP for 2 units eliminated) for the loss of 18 Allied figures (3 VP to the Germans). Handled the Paras a bit gung-ho I suspect...

      Yep: very pleased with my purshases...

  10. Nice job, I was very restrained this year, only $8 on an MDF forest template :)

    1. I seem to recall seeing some interesting items in that line. Fortunately I am tough, disciplined... and already had about as much as I could carry...
