Quick one, from the 'Why haven't I thought of it before?' Department. Reading off the coordinates of a hex-grid map might be made easier by where you place the numbers or letters beside the 'zig-zag row or column.
Here's one I have made up:
![]() |
Hex-Grid with Row Coordinates aligned with the bottom half of the hexes in the odd columns, and so with the top half of the even-column hexes. Mitigates against visual ambiguity. |
Just by the way, in the above map L-even (e.g. L2 etc) are not really on the map. But L-odd (L1, L3 etc) is on the map.
I always like to add an actual picture to these posts, even though of doubtful relevance! |
Pictures are "shiny!".
ReplyDeleteTrue, that!