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Hundred Minutes' Campaign - opening positions. |
The result of the action at Yvoir is that the II Cav Corps is removed from the Armee du Nord order of battle, but III Corps loses 2 infantry in the process. The French roll three fives - 3 infantry hit - only one of which is cancelled by the Prussians' roll. Possibly the French succeeded in catching the Prussians on the march, before being overwhelmed by superior numbers.
The Prussians win their first victory, however Pyrrhic. (Aside: this was a very low probability result, the statistical expectation being that the cavalry would hit one infantry, with a very fair chance of it's being cancelled, and about a 50-50 chance of the II Cav Corps remaining a force in being. One supposes that somehow the French cavalry sprang some sort of surprise upon the approaching Prussians, and put up a very stout fight.)
Major developments are shaping around Charleroi and Mons. Having entered the place, the French IV Army Corps find themselves under attack from the Prussian I Corps. However, the combat between evenly matched adversaries is inconclusive. The French hold old out all day at Charleroi. Close behind the leading Prussians at Charleroi, the II Corps, together with Marschall-General Graf Blucher, the Commander in Chief of the Prussian Army, have entered Fleurus.
The French I Corps, passing through Mons, encounters the Anglo-Dutch I Corps on the road north. I Cavalry Corps, marching through Soire sur Sambre to reach Mons, swings out to the right to envelop the Allied flank. Meanwhile between those two towns, the French main body, II Corps leading, crosses the Sambre River at Binche. Passing though Soigne, the Allied Cavalry Corps races to intercept them. For his part, the Duke of Wellington has brought the Allied Reserve Corps couth to Quatre Bras.
Fighting begins in earnest at Charleroi and Mons. The Prussian IV Corps arrives in the theatre at Huy; ...
...whilst far to the west, the Allied II Corps, marching from Ghent, has reached Alost.
The clash at Seneffe also goes the way of the French. Encountering the powerful Allied Cavalry Corps, III Corps - II Corps having swung off towards Charleroi to join the battle there - destroys one cavalry unit and the artillery, at the cost of one of its own cavalry units. The infantry hits - four and five - are cancelled by the Corps own four and five rolls.
The fighting around Charleroi might have gone badly for the Prussians but for the arrival of Wellington at Quatre Bras. Apprehending an attack by this new force, II Corps at once swings north to engage. (This I think was a mistake, and the II and IV ought to have handed I Prussian Corps a smacking, and let Wellington do what he might afterwards).
The clash at Quatre Bras is a disaster for both sides. The entire French Corps is smashed, apart from the artillery. Reserve Corps loses its artillery ... and the Iron Duke himself (those sixes!). His two wounds, though slight, are enough to incapacitate him for the remainder of the campaign.
The distraction that leads to II Corps's defeat leaves IV Corps to fight the Prussians alone. Although Blucher and the Prussian II Corps are close behind, they not yet up to join the action. They would have to enter the open space to the right of I Corps, and, as that constitutes a whole 'cross-country' move, it's attack would have had to wait until the following day - the following move. One on one, I Corps loses the whole of its foot; the French their horse and guns. Having already lost their horse in earlier fighting, the Prussian I Corps is reduced to the same state as the French II Corps - artillery only remaining. The French IV Corps continues to hold out.
able to turn and engage. In the drawn combat that follows, both sides lose a cavalry unit - the Prussian roll of two (cavalry hit) does not cancel, nor is cancelled by, the French roll of three (also cavalry). All those infantry hits count for nothing as the French have none in this fight, but the Prussians fortunately cancel the French 'one' roll to preserve their artillery.
Though undefeated, the French cavalry fall back to Dinant. By this time, the fighting at Charleroi is over, as the Prussian IV Corps approaches Namur
The second battle of Charleroi, following immediately on the first, is a much tougher proposition for the defending IV Corps. II Corps destroys most of the already depleted Charleroi garrison. Prussian casualties are light, but they have to mourn the demise of the Marschall-General himself - wounded twice, and expiring from his injuries. What little remained of IV Corps falls back across the river, first to Laneffe and then all the way back to Philippeville.
By this time, the roads north from Mons and Binche are clear, or, at least are impeded only by the remnants of the Allied I and Cavalry Corps. In this game system I permit depleted formations to merge into a single corps. Upon reflection it seems to me appropriate that the tiny French cavalry corps ought to be able to merge even with an undepleted army corps, although the only real mergers were I Cavalry and III Army Corps, and III Cavalry and IV Cavalry corps merging with the single infantry figure remaining of IV Corps
After their victory at Quatre Bras, and observing their flank being turned along a road that converges with their own at Waterloo, the Allied Reserve Corps falls back to that place to await the French push. Two days march distant, II Corps approaches Brussels.
Day 4: 18 June 1815
Following up the defeated Allied cavalry, III Corps pushes past Soignes to engage the combined remains of the Allied I and Cavalry Corps along the Enghien road. The allies contrive to destroy the French artillery but lose their remaining infantry and two cavalry units as well. Only a single cavalry unit remains of two Allied Corps. They fall back to Ninove, III Corps in pursuit.
Now that the Prussian have occupied Charleroi, to be something of a threat to the French line of communications through Binche, Count Lobau's VI Army Corps swings off the north road to engage the Prussians in the town.
Meanwhile, the remnants of IV Corps having rallied at Philippeville, III and IV Cavalry Corps are converging upon that place to form a provisional formation under command of IV Corps' HQ.
Events are developing more decisively farther to the north. As the III Corps chivvies the Allied Cavalry Corps through Enghien, Napoleon runs to earth the Allied Reserve Corps near Waterloo
Day 5: 19 June, 1815:
Whilst III Corps and the Imperial Guard are driving the Anglo-Dutch Army northward, sinister development are suggesting themselves to the south and east. After celebrating their victory at Charleroi, the Prussian II Corps begins to move north, in the trail of the long departed Allied Reserve Corps. Daybreak of 19th June still finds then short of Quatre Bras. Hard marching has brought the Prussian IV Corps as far as Fleurus, a short distance eastward.In the wake of the Imperial Guard, the French I Corps has swung across from the Mons-Enghien axis onto the Binche-Waterloo road, where they fetch up between Nivelles and Quatre Bras. If the Prussians are to menace the lines of communication of the forward French formations, they will have to get by I Corps.
There seems to be nothing to be done about the French menace to the Anglo-Dutch lines of communications through Alost and Ghent to the Channel Ports. Just a single Cavalry Division lies before the powerful French Column advancing inexorably northwards. Possibly a Wellington might have brought II Corps across to keep open that line, and let the fate of Brussels lie in the lap of the gods. But Wellington is no longer commanding. (Fact is, I decided that as a victory over Napoleon before Brussels would probably win the campaign for the Allies, I took a chance in behalf of the Allies. See Day 6. A 50-50 judgment call.)
Nor are the Prussian Corps safe. The Provisional IV Corps is once more on the march, towards Charleroi, now evacuated by the Prussians. VI Corps is also still capable of operations.
Great events along the Charleroi-Brussels highway. The Allied II Corps meets Napoleon upon his newly won field of Waterloo. It's an even fight (9 dice each), and an Allied victory here will almost at once decide the campaign in their favour. The Fates decree otherwise. The Anglo-Dutch are brusquely rebuffed, losing an infantry formation against no loss to Napoleon. Back goes II Corps to Brussels.
A short distance to the south the French I Corps, slightly outnumbered, clashes with the Prussian IInd.
As a result of the defeat at Waterloo, II Corps retreats through Brussels and onto the westward road to Ghent. They are too late. It will be another day at least before ever they can fight their way through the enemy already in residence at Alost. Behind them Napoleon's Imperial Guard spends the night of the 21st in the forests just south of the city.
Though it remains possible for the Prussians, together with the Allied I Corps to sever at least the most direct road links to France, there remain elements of I, VI and IV Provisional Corps at least to cause the enemy some trouble keeping the road closed. Meanwhile there is nothing at hand to sever the Mons-Alost line.
Napoleon's entry into Brussels, together with the fall of Alost, decides the campaign. Napoleon has won the first round of the War of the Seventh Coalition.
Next time, perhaps a debrief...?