Friday, June 28, 2024

A 'Star Trek' Space Opera

Some months ago, glancing through a very old (January 1993) issue of the local club's war games magazine Southern Sortie, I lit upon  a brief account of a clash between two of the major galactic powers that feature in the TV show, Star Trek. Although not much 'into' SF war gaming, and not much of a 'Trekky' either, so highly do I think of the action, that methought after 30 years, it need not be so soon lost to antiquity. Having received the author's go-ahead, the following account is the his narrative, with just the occasional editing.

STAR TREK - The Border War

by Elliott Campbell


Recently I completed running a simple strategic-level campaign based on hostilities between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire. The campaign was originally based around the Organian conflict (the subject of one of the original TV episodes), but without the annoying appearance of 'strange energy beings' stopping it all. In the interests of making the game a little 'meatier', both sides were beefed up considerably in term of warships and preparedness. In the event the scale of the ensuing conflict was enormous - it turned into a fully fledged bitter border war. By the end of the campaign, both sides had suffered horrific losses, and Star Fleet had resorted to unconventional warfare. In fact the the war had such a devastating effect upon the Federation that by the end of the game its very future existence was in grave doubt (thus providing me with good background information for any future campaign).

For those readers who are Star Trek purists, I can explain away this complete [departure from] the ideals and morals of Star Trek by saying this all happened in an alternative universe... The following article will describe events ibn the border war, the most costly war in men and materials either the federation or the Klingon Empire had ever fought.  The players were: Star Fleet - Stefan Park; Klingon Empire - Philip Dew and Blair Sang. All were schoolmates at the Christchurch Boys' High School where the campaign was run (during the second and third terms, 1992).
Border war: attacks, and counter-attacks

The War Begins: The First Phase (Stardate 2/0801.09 - 2/0804.19)

On Stardate 2/0801.09 hundreds of Klingon warships swept through the frontier into Federation Space. Vola fell to the Klingons after Star Fleet forces fled the system, and the entire Star Fleet squadron defending Selka, consisting of thirty-five Fenlon monitors and five Nelson scouts was destroyed in a surprise attack by over a hundred Klingon T-5 assault ships, with a sizeable cruiser and frigate escort. Andromeda was overwhelmed as as well by a Klingon fleet of over sixty D-9 and D-10 cruisers - the Star Fleet defenders didn't stand a chance.

But it wasn't all bad news for the Federation, who were very much on the back foot - Jannill was successfully defended by its monitors and scouts against a superior Klingon cruiser force, and the battle for Archon ended with a crushing Klingon defeat - the value of UFP Constitution class showing up against ageing D-7As. Organia was also successfully defended by a scratch force of Anton class cruisers and escorts against a meagre Klingon attack.

The worst blow was delivered by a massive Klingon fleet of three hundred D-7 cruisers attacking and  destroying Star Base 27. The complete destruction of this facility really was a blow for Star Fleet that was already very sorely stretched.

Then Star Fleet counterattacked at Andromeda and forced the occupying Klingons to withdraw.

Star Base 12 came under heavy attack from Klingon cruisers and assault ships, and after the Star Fleet defenders withdrew (leaving three Constitution class cruisers destroyed), the assault ships proceeded to bombard the base, and marines were landed.
Star Fleet Admiral

Jannill was attacked again, and this time the system fell - Star Fleet losing twenty-nine monitors in the process.

Talos and T'Vamz also fell to pressing Klingon naval forces, but heavy ground fighting continued on the latter.

Klinon forces arrived in the Alphosa system and discovered no defending Star Fleet units. The system refused to surrender, and heavy ground bombardment by T-3 assault ships and D-7 cruisers as well as marine landings met stiff resistance from UFP ground forces and the civilian population. Six D-7s were destroyed by6 planetary defence systems before they were rendered inoperative by the assault ships and their marine.

The Selka system saw the arrival of thirteen Z-48 defence outposts. Unfortunately a communications and logistical glitch meant they arrived unescorted, whilst the occupying naval forces had left. As they were being assembled by their support ships, the Star Fleet units that had fled Jannill and T'Vamz arrived in the system - including four Constitution cruisers. The helpless Klingons were completely butchers - a turkey shoot...

Not a good day for the Klingons in the Selka System

This first phase of the war ended with Star Fleet urgently requesting more ship, troops and supplies. A diplomatic mission (albeit a very hopeful one) was launched into Romulan Empire by way of the 'Triangle' for their support! The Klingons, a little shocked at the intensity of the defence and their losses, but pleased with the excellent territorial gains, did the same. Not surprisingly neither diplomatic mission was ever heard from again.

The War Intensifies: The Second Phase (Stardate 2/0804.20 - 2/0807.30

Shortly after the Klingon diplomatic mission being sent in a vain search of the Romulans, the Klingon war effort, the Klingon war effort suffered a set-back when the front-line commander, Admiral Klair zantai-Sang, was executed in H'Rez by a member of a rival family (who had at that moment stolen the Emperor's favour from the Sang Family Line). Admiral Khilip zantai-Dew became the new commander (after he's rigged evidence of treason and corruption against Sang). 

Following this falter, and under new leadership, the klingon forces made fantastic advances into Federation territory, albeit with some heavy losses. Two attacks on T'Vamz and Selka cost the Imperial Navy two hundred and sixty-six cruisers (!) and forty assault ships. However, the sheer enormity of the invading forces was able to soak up the casualties.

Much to Star Fleet's horror, they lost Star Base 12 - reduced to a blackened ruin. Its defence cost the Federation eighteen much-needed cruisers.

Klingon forces moved on in on Delta Vega and began bombarding it. Resistance continued on Alphosa, frustrating the Klingon attackers. Once Delta Vega fell, though, so did Capella.  Things were looking rather grim for the UFP.

Klingon Admiral of the Fleet

During the later stages of this Second Phase, converted Federation merchant ships were arriving at the front to help in the desperate defence. A large Star Fleet squadron at that time was also on its way - with nuclear weapons. Once Star Fleet realised just how badly they were doing, they appealed to the Security Council and General Assembly for the authorisation to use the old nuclear stockpile (left over from the days of accelerator cannons and lasers). The debate began tearing the Union apart. In disgust, the Vulcans and their like-minded allies quit the Federation - seeing what was happening as in violation of everything the UFP stood for.  The 'Rump' Assembly ratified the 'Rump' Security Council decision to authorise nuclear weapons to be used against the Klingon invaders.

The nuclear armed warships began arriving just as Comstock fell to the Klingons.

The War Reaches a Climax: The Third Phase (Stardate 2/0807.31 - 2/0811.09

For the first time since the war began, Star Fleet struck into Klingon Space - an attack on Merai Zine. Unfortunately for them, it failed - losing over twenty cruisers in the process. 

Jannill was retaken by Star Fleet, but the siege of of Alphosa finally came to an end when it surrendered to the superior Klingon forces who had been bombarding the system for months.

On Stardate 2/0811.01 Star Fleet launched three nuclear strikes - an act that shocked even the klingons. The first was upon the major military facility and ship-yards of H'Rez. It suffered 83% destruction in an attack that Star Fleet only just got through the enemy defences.

Merai Zine was next, but the strike force met very heavy resistance and was beaten off., though not before some warheads were released - 12% destruction of the planet and facilities was recorded. 

The third and most and most destructive of the strikes was at Veska - a staggering 92% destruction.

As news spread along the battle-front, there was shock on both sides.  Star Fleet looked in horror upon what they had done, and the Klingons were taken aback at the nature of the defence. Fo reasons of its own, fighting along the front gradually ceased in an atmosphere unreal to both sides.

By the time of the ceasefire on Stardate 2/0811.09, the Klingon Imperial Flag flew over Comstock, Star Base 10, Capella, Delta Vega, the wreckage of Star Base 12, Vola, Alphosa, Talos, T'Vamz, Andromeda, and Star Base 23.  H'Rez had been obliterated, and what was left of Veska was Star Fleet's. Both Arcanis and Selka were still disputed at the ceasefire date, as was Jannill.

Nuclear strikes, and new borders...


The war officially ended on Stardate 2/0812.20 with the signing of the Phillo[Tok Treaty.  Under its terms, Alphosa, Vola Star base 12, Delta Vega, Capella, Star Base 10, Comstock, Andromeda, T'Vamz and Jannill were ceded to the Klingon Empire.

However, already storm clouds are brewing again. Many rather militant factions within the Federation have already celled for the resumption of the war. The Orions are most upset at increased Klingon pressure upon them regarding the new borders. There are rumours that open conflict between the Romulans and Klingons will soon erupt regarding the new Triangle border arrangement.  The Triangle is on edge - it has now lost its frontier with the Federation, and Klingon and Romulan warships are massing at its borders... 

There is even the threat of the Federation dissolving, as some members argue on the humiliation of the Phillo'Tok Treaty, the weakness shown by the President, his advosors and the Council, as well as the disgraceful use of nuclear weapons - an act against all the articles of the Federation. The war faction of Earth, Tellar, and Andor are left presiding over an assemblage of planets a mere shadow of the former Assembly. With the Vulcans and their allies gone, the federation's future is definitely in doubt, not to mention the horrendous losses to Star Fleet during the war. Virtually its entire cruiser force had been destroyed, and some member and former member states are claiming Star Fleet warships for their own. Several mutinies have broken out...

The future is grim indeed...


  1. Space warfare isn’t something that especially interests me BUT, rather like you, I do enjoy reading through old magazines. My current reading for outside (sitting on the patio while the dogs are running round the garden, mostly barking at birds in a nearby large tree) is from a pile of old Battle for Wargamers and Lone Warrior magazines. I even spotted my name in a few old issues of LW 😉

    1. Geoff -
      The problem with Space War is, I think, the same with air war, but compounded: there is no limit in the third dimension. It is not enough to surround one's adversaries; one has to 'englobe' them. I have a feeling, too, that the distances involved would reduce the effectiveness of firing weaponry to stone throwing and shining strong torchlight into the eyes. Mind you, a stone thrown in space might well have nasty effects upon anyone on the receiving end. I read somewhere about the damage even a fleck of paint can cause, given the speeds involved.

      So: not my gig. But I was impressed by the article, and the though and imagination that went into a fairly simple campaign. The maps and illustrations are mine, based on the original.

      I'm waiting to see if anyone can translate the Klingon Admiral's remark...

  2. Interesting! I've been a Star Trek fan since the beginning, especially the original series. This reminds me of my days playing Star Fleet Battles.

    1. Mark -
      I quite liked the 'Star Trek' show back in the 1960s, but was never what you'd call a fan. It was certainly watchable, though. Mind you, I was much more into 'Red Dwarf' when it came along!

  3. Although I used to play Star Fleet Battles (who didn't) and the odd ST RPG, for strategic space warfare I much preferred GDWs "Imperium" and "Dark Nebula", which of course morphed into the Traveller universe. That was an entertaining read though, and well done to the participants! I stopped watching the show after TNG,, and really, ST will always be Kirk and Spock for me, as that is what I grew up with in the 60s and 70s.

    1. I seem to have missed this comment, Martin -
      I have much the same attitude towards Star Trek - though for mine it was Spock, Scotty, Uhura and Chekhov who kept me watching. Never really cottoned to Kirk or McCoy. Much preferred Star Wars movies, but of course, they had to flog the thing beyond its life expectancy (though I did like what I saw of the early animated series).

      The best SF I've ever seen on TV were The Strangerers (must have been good, because the show was dropped); and Red Dwarf. On radio, of course the creme-de-la-creme is always 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'.
