Having played out this scenario, I reverted to my original intention and played it as a Hexblitz game. Having had a chance to rethink how I was going to do this, the thing actually played more quickly than the Portable Wargames Development (PWD) system did. For anyone unfamiliar with these rule sets, they spring from the ideas of Bob Cordery whose own blog spot you'll find here.
I won't go into a detailed account, however, mainly owing to my camera choosing mid-battle to run out of battery. That in fact I did have a fresh set in plain sight (having failed to find them after an extensive search) I did not discover until the action was almost over.
The action followed lines similar to that of the PWD game, except that this time, I started the 361st Afrika Regiment slightly further to the east. The clash between 15th Panzer and 4th Armoured Brigade also took a different path from the first battle, neither approaching further west than Sciuearat or Zaafran.
But the main point to note was that I used the Moving/Stationary/Defending system, and priority chits. Instead of priority chits by unit, which was such a hassle in the Operation Uranus action, I tried them by formation instead. That limited the priority stack to 1-7 - for four Eighth Army and three Afrika Korps formations. The respective commands I left free. Otherwise we would have been looking at 15 chits a side: 30 altogether. The reduced number seemed to work very well.
This version of the action seemed to be the more exciting somehow, although whether this had to do with the the game mechanics or the dice rolling, or simply the effect of chance, I couldn't say. One thing was certain: it was easier for units to drop out of the action through losses - and several did.
The first to do so was I Battalion 361st Afrika Regiment. The picture below tells the story. The 2/ Rifle Brigade and I/ 361 Rgt had both already taken one hit each. In this particular turn, the Afrika Rgt (4 units) drew the '4' chit, the 7th Support Group the '6'. I use these in numerical order.
Combat resolution is 'competitive': both sides roll, initiated by the 'Moving' unit(s). First went I/361, SP=3 plus 2SP from artillery support: 5 dice requiring 6s to hit. Three hits! Wunderbar! 2RB reduced at once to 1SP only. Return fire: SP=4 plus 2SP also for defensive artillery support, 4,5, and 6s to count: Three hits - about what you'd expect. Of course, that wiped out the remaining SPs of I/ 361st, which accordingly fell back out of the action. Naturally, it was not long before 2RB also fell back and retired from the battle.
Meanwhile, the arriving 15th Panzer and 4th Armoured turned upon each other, mauling each other to a standstill in fairly quick order. Although in the picture the Germans look to be getting the better of the battle, the Honeys were to prove hard to eliminate outright. In effect the two formations cancelled each other out for the whole action.
It was about this time the camera batteries gave out. By the time I could resume taking photos, the action was nearly over. The Afrika Korps had cleared the escarpment either side of Belhamed and carried the feature itself. But the Afrika Regiment had but one battalion still in action, and that much depleted. Sidi Rezegh was still held in strength, and it was clear that 21st Pz was not going to force any time soon 22nd Armoured Bde away from Ed Duda. On balance the end result was rather less conclusive than the PWD version.
On the whole I liked the way this game played, but I probably ought more closely to have monitored the time scale. The ground scale being roughly 8000:1, the time scale of roughly 90:1 is indicated. That suggested for a winter's day in North Africa, maybe 6 x 90-minute turns. The \overnight' turn could have restored to the surviving depleted units, say, half their lost SP values. I didn't keep track of the moves, but I am pretty certain the action lasted well into the second day.
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Monday, January 22, 2018
Sidi Rezegh - A Portable Wargame scenario.
Halfway through the battle. In the foreground, 4th Armoured Brigade and 15th Panzer Division duke it out. |
A while back, I set out a scenario based upon the Sidi Rezegh battle of 20 November 1941. an episode during Operation Crusader - the attempt by 8th Army to relieve the siege of Tobruk. Unable to make my mind up what rule set to use, I decided to play it as two games.
The battlefield, looking west. The design of the escarpment features might need to be rethought. |
The first game was played as a Portable Wargame but with the ground scale stretched to the point that the only 'ranged' fire was by the artillery. One hex represented an area about half a mile across. Tank and infantry fire took place at adjacent grid-areas (hexes) only. The thing seemed seemed to work OK, but I now think that AT fire could have stretched to the second hex.
The battlefield looking northwest towards Tobruk (off the map). Features identified are referred to in the text. |
The action opens with 7th Armoured Brigade, having captured the airfield above Sidi Rezegh, then pushed on towards Tobruk in the hope of easing the break-out by the Tobruk garrison, and perhaps even securing a breach. Accompanying the Armoured Brigade is the 7th Support Group, comprising a couple of infantry battalions, together with a regiment of 25pr artillery, and portee-mounted 2pr anti-tank guns in similar strength. The infantry and anti-tank guns are lined up facing north along the escarpment about the Belhamed ridge. The supporting artillery is close by the Sidi Rezegh mosque.
The action opens... |
The primary German objective was to maintain the siege of Tobruk. That would be achieved if the Allies failed to break through the German lines to the northwest. A breakthough could be said to have been effected if the Allies could occupy and hold northern edge hexes west of the Bypass road. However, the German object was more ambitious that merely to hold. The plan was to drive 7th Armoured altogether from the area. It would have been sufficient to capture the airfield above Sidi Rezegh to carry out their instructions.
You will observe at the outset the Hexblitz order chits. I began with the idea of playing that rule set, but quickly switched to the Developing the Portable Wargame WW2 set. The game was later replayed as Hexblitz.
361st Motorised Infantry advancing into action. The 'order' chits were to be abandoned as I was using a different rule set. |
The early action brought the Afrika Regiment up against the positions held by 2 Rifle Brigade (2RB), the leading battalion of 21 Pz Div (I/104) against the King's Royal Rifle Corps (KRRC) , and I/8 Pz Bn clashed with the armoured cars of 11 Hussars and the Crusader tanks of 7th Hussars. Though the early exchanges favoured the panzers, that was not to last.
Some mislabelling I overlooked on the German side The 'Afrika' Div Artillery is actually 155th Artillery of 21st Pz Div. The unlabelled art'y belonged to 'Afrika' Division. |
22nd Armoured Brigade advancing to the rescue. |
This opened the right flank of the KRRC holding on to Belhamed. Even so, it was to be a long time before they could be levered off that feature. The portee anti-tank to their left helped, that particular unit scarcely coming under attack all day.
Arrival of 15th Pz the 4th Armoured. |
15th Panzer's rearguard action against 4th Armoured. |
The battle between 8th Hussars and the 115th German motorised infantry ground into a stand-off that was to last the rest of the day; but the armoured battle between the County of London Yeomanry (3 and 4 CLY) and 8th Panzer was to develop into a running fight that took them almost as far as Sidi Rezegh.
361 Rgt forces 2 Rifle Bde from the escarpment |
Meanwhile, close by Ed Duda and Belhamed, the II battalions of the 5th Pz and 104th Schutzen Regiments had arrived. 7th Hussars drew back, leaving most it its tanks on fire and littering the battlefield. Into the gap surged the leading tanks of 22 Armoured Brigade. This fresh enemy drove back the 39th PaK unit, and added to the discomfiture of the panzers as well. Even so, they pulled back only a short distance before once more presenting a front against the British armour.
I/8Pz Rgt still distant from 15Pz Div's battle. |
Honours were shared in the early exchanges between 4th Armoured and 8 Pz Rgt, both losing a portion of the strength in the exchange of fire. I/8th Pz Bn was still a mile distant toiling up the wadi close by the Zaafran feature. [A note here about the terrain. I made the escarpment hex-sides uncrossable by tanks (and only for convenience crossable by the vehicles integral to motorised infantry - a matter that might require revisiting some time). Tanks could still move as if in good going into and along escarpment hexes, just so long as they crossed no scarp hex side. The effect of this was, for I/8 Pz Bn that it had a rather tortuous route by which to ascend the 'wadi' to join II Bn in its fight just west of Sciuearat.]
21st Pz Div pull back for a breather. |
4th Armoured Bde vs 15th Panzer Div. Honours so far even. |
At last the I Bn 8th Pz Rgt arrived and at once made its presence felt. Quite shortly, the CLY tanks deemed it wise to draw back a little, leaving a third of their tanks burning. But 8th Panzer had, for their part, lost a quarter their own strength.
The heat getting a bit much for them, 3rd and 4th CLY break off (as an alternative to taking hits). |
Seventh Support Group and cruisers of 7th Armoured Brigade coalesce about Sidi Rezegh. |
The withdrawal of 2RB had permitted the Afrika infantry to seize a good mile and a half of escarpment, leaving the Sidi Rezegh position badly exposed. Seeking to exploit the eagerly beckoning opportunity, General Cruewell ordered 8th Panzer to drive off or destroy 2nd RTR that was then covering the right flank of 7th Support Group. The Afrika infantry I Battalion was to strike along the escaprment onto the flank of KRRC, whilst the other two battalions overran - it was hoped - what was left of the Rifle brigade. 104th Infantry was to attack up the Belhamed feature. The combined attacks, it was hoped, would bring about a general collapse of the British position.
A bold move by 8 Pz Rgt to join the attack on Sidi Rezegh. with 4th Armoured Brigade tanks still very much in action to their rear. |
Greatly daring, for it left two active enemy tank regiments in their rear, 8th Panzer did as they were bid. But for one relatively minor success, the whole thing was a frost. KRRC remained as obdurate in defence as ever, I/361 made no progress, and 8th Panzer were stopped cold, I Bn losing more of its tanks for scant reward. The sole success was the elimination of 2RB, its scattered remnants becoming POW, or straggling as best they might away from the battle (in short: it took a hit, was unable to retreat, and removed from the table).
The demise of 2RB. But KRRC still clings on to Belhamed |
The above picture presents an apparently dismal scene, only 2RTR between Sidi Rezegh and masses of German infantry and tanks. But looks are deceiving. Sixth RTR has yet to join the action, and out of the frame are two Stuart regiments about to recover their umpty-poo and rejoin the action.
Lead elements of 22nd Arm'd Bde strike at I/5th Pz Rgt. |
Around Ed Duda, apart from some desultory bickering, something of a lull descended upon this part of the battlefield.
II/115 infantry launches its assault on Belhamed. |
For their part, the panzers were inclined to wait upon the events around Belhamed, in the hope of broadening the overall attack. The same possibility had as an inhibiting effect upon their adversaries. (Aside: Actually, if memory serves, I was using a unit activation system based on Bob Cordery's card method. Both sides having 15 units (including commanders), they were given a 'median' of 8. Rather than cards (bit of a nuisance, in some respects) I rolled a D6 for each side in turn with 1,2 subtracting 1 from the 8 and 5,6 adding 1, to determine the number of units to be moved. Although I took it strictly in turns, beginning with the Germans, it is possible top randomise the turn sequence from the strict IGo-UGo regime, with a die being rolled every odd move to determine who plays, with the opponent responding on the even moves. That means it will be possible for one or other side to get two turns in a row. But after that, only the OTHER side can get the benefit. At any rate, the action died down around Ed Duda for a considerable time, as the Germans strove to carry the Sidi Rezegh position, against determined British resistance.)
Trouble for 8 Pz Rgt! |
The failure of 8th Panzer at once to chase off 2RTR was not merely a setback, but a reverse that might well have led to disaster. Two regiments raced up and struck II/8 Pz Bn in the rear. In the confused fighting that ensued, the panzers held up magnificently. A swirling fight developed with 2 RTR and 3 and 4 CLY, with the advantages of numbers and position, quite failed to eliminate either battalion of 8 Panzer.
II/8 Pz looks to about to take a mauling. |
To be sure, I/8 Pz took some losses from 2RTR, and, when they could, drew back to reorganise, For some time that left II/8 Panzer completely surrounded and down to half strength. Their chances of survival looked very slender. Here seeemed an opportunity for the 6 RTR to intervene, but they were quickly prevented from doing so by the Afrika Regiment.
Distant view of the action. Tobruk looks far away... |
III/361 Regiment actually reached the 7th Support Group gun line but, despite doing considerable damage to the crews and guns, were pretty much stopped before they could drive off the whole unit.
I/ 8Pz pulls back. II/8 has no such option. Fortunately British tank shooting is even more dismal than the German |
361st Infantry pressing home their attacks. |
Stand-off at Ed Duda |
Stand-off at Zaafran |
2RTR falls back to avoid losses... |
It was about this point that I thought to check on the states of the two forces. Losses had been heavy on both sides. All three Afrika Korps formations were much reduced in strength, just 31 SPs surviving out of 52. Seventh Armoured Division had given almost as good as it had taken - but only almost. Seventh Support Group infantry had borne the brunt on the side of 8th Army, losing all 10 SPs. Of the whole group, but 3SPs remained out of 14. Only 22nd Armoured Brigade had got off fairly lightly. The result was, however, conclusive: having lost 24 from 48 SPs, 7th Armoured Division had reached the point of exhaustion. The whole formation might have gone on grimly to prevent German capture of the airfield above Sidi Rezegh, but its commander instead conceded the palm and evacuated as best he could the smoking battlefield.
Belhamed falls at last! |
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Napoleonic Clash - continued
The Austrian cavalry having routed the chasseurs, they await the response of the French husaars. |
We left the narrative in my previous posting (link HERE) with the French hussars seeking to administer a harsh requital for defeat of their chasseur comrades. But before returning to the outcome of that clash, let us review what was happening elsewhere upon the field of battle.
Klenau's Division under pressure; arrival of cuirassiers from the reserves. |
St-Julien's Division falters, just as the cuirassiers arrive. |
All quiet on the northern front. |
On the extreme north flank, only Pieterwardeiner Infantry and Vukassovic's artillery sustained the fight against the village garrison. This was never going to be more than an affair of popping musketry punctuated by the odd shell burst. The respective light cavalries continued to eye each other, both as yet unwilling to chance their arms.
French infantry around the North Village look as though they have recently been in a fight! |
The southern wing cavalries square off |
Defeat of 6th Hussars. 5th Hussars and 1st Uhlans fight each other to a standstill. |
Flushed with the tide of success so far, the uhlans might well have anticipated a repetition. They didn't get it. Unlike their comrades of the 6th, the 5th Hussars did not give way at the first shock, but sustained the fight into for long enough to persuade the unlans that this unit was not for turning. (The first dice rolls were evenly matched, which took us - from memory - into a second round. That, too, proved indecisive. At this point, both players had the option to withdraw. Honour satisfied, I didn't wait for the hussars' decision, and opted to pull out the uhlans. Back they trotted past the churchyard, pride intact). The drawn fight between 1st Uhlan and 5th Hussars satisfied the pride of both sides. For mine, there seemed to be nothing to be gained from sustaining a chancy battle in such an exposed position.
Weber's Division pulling back to form a new line well short of the South Woods. |
Brady's Division in a holding action against the French centre-right. |
The withdrawal of the uhlans having left the chevauxlegers isolated, the latter, too, began to with draw to their own lines. Those lines had been slowly receding before the crowds of French skirmishers.
At last, at the fourth (!) call, FZM Kollowrat sent three ADCs to bring up the grenadiers. There they were, advancing up beside the east Village, three splendid battalions, the force of decision.
Here come the Grenadiers - 3 turns later than hoped for, but here they are! |
Awaiting this reinforcement, the Division Brady regiments had extended its front - Coloredo Infantry shook out into line formation, whilst Zettwitx Infantry formed a refused flank. Even so extended the Austrian musketry was hardly equal to the musketry incoming from at least three French regiments and a skirmish line as well. The small band of skirmishers available to FML Brady might have to be called upon to protect the line, if only a little. When Zach Infantry lost some of its cohesion, that intervention seemed to be indicated.
The sector of decision, seen through the 'Zeke' filter |
Austrian cavalry have pulled back; Jagers and Klenau's artillery moving to rake the enemy's advanced skirmish line |
The plan of attack. But I want to broaden it to more than one column width. |
Having said that, the Austrian cause had been helped in no way by the Grenadiers' tardiness. Dependent upon the Grenadiers' masse de rupture, the attack had to await their arrival. That left Brady's strong Division, assisted it is true by the churchyard garrison, to sustain the holding action. Losses to Zach infantry caused its temporary loss of cohesion, and losses were mounting rapidly to Coloredo as well. We could count ourselves lucky (though henceforth I assigned ADCs to prevent it) that there were no further delays to the Grenadiers' march.
This one almost snuck under the spyglass: the French chasseurs wake up and charge! |
Hessen-Homburg Hussars taking a mauling. |
At once, the victorious chasseurs turned their attention upon the Archduke Ferdinand Hussars, and served them out the same way. Back went the Austrian horse, though, again, not so as to abandon the field. At the same time, the Pieterwardiener Grenze and the horse artillery bethought themselves of their own safety.
General view from south wing, looking north along the Austrian line. |
As Vukassovic's Division was being driven in on the northern flank, Weber's in the south had stopped their retrograde and were holding up the oncoming French skirmishers. Losses mounted on both sides, but the intervention from Klenau's light infantry and cannon were to tip the balance well in favour of the Austrians. It was not long before the French skirmish line began to feel the weight of the incoming musketry to heavy to bear, and to pull back.
For his part, FML Klenau was beginning to feel his oats and joined the chevauxlegers by the churchyard. The troopers could see by the maniac glint in his eye that the good Feldmarschalleutant had some deviltry in mind.
Klenau's charge for glory! |
His thirst for glory as yet unslaked, Klenau and his men dashed forward, 5th Hussars their target. (Aside: This is one of the 'chrome features' of General d'Armee - special orders, some of which are as you would expect, such as the Grenadiers' receipt of 'Infantry Assault' orders that apply to the Brigade or Division as a whole, others a little more ... erm ... subjective in nature. This was the 'Glory' order that you might see in the picture. This presents certain advantages to the side attacking under it.) Manfully, the hussars counter-charged, but to no avail. The Austrian horse hurled them aside in as brusque a manner as their comrades had been by the uhlans. The affront of the 5th Hussars' halting the uhlans' tide of success was thusly summarily avenged.
5th Hussars retreat. |
The developing attack... |
Grenadier casualties mounting uncomfortably rapidly... |
FML Vukassovic leads Hessen-Homburg's unexpected comeback! |
The one ray of sunshine that was to pierce the northern darkness was to come from an unexpected quarter. Placing himself at the head of Hessen-Homburg, FML Vukassovic rallied the hussars, exhorted them to a supreme effort, and led a headlong charge into the flank of the 18th Chasseurs. In a trice and despite the presence of General Jacquinot, the chasseurs broke and vanished westwards. Paul had to leave at this point. Having gained the initiative the following turn, I would have liked to have sealed the Austrian resurgence here by attacking the other chasseur regiment. This turned out to be mot possible on account of one unit being obstructed, and the other unable to wheel betimes. Instead, they could do no more than to form a line of regiments and present a united front against the 19th Chasseurs. The latter soon made off to join their comrades.
After that there is little more to relate. For some time the weather had been threatening, the distant thunder (rattling of the dice, which began from move 10 to determine when it struck) heralding an approaching storm. That didn't stop the counter attacks by Weber and Klenau Divisions
The grenadiers storm the French line... |
Nor did it halt the long awaited assault bu the Grenadiers. Much as I would have liked to have sent the two columns to attack simultaneously - I do like to hit hard - this turned into a right-and-left, one-two combination. The right column went first. Braving the defenders' musketry, gunfire and fire from a flanking line of skirmishers, the grenadiers smashed the French line back with ease.
... and break through on a wide front - just as the thunderstorm breaks and ends the battle. |
In went the second column. The defenders took a considerable toll as the attackers forged on. Shrugging them off, these grenadiers repeated the performance of their comrades. Back went a second French unit, through the woods, and beyond.
With this breakthrough, perhaps the Austrians might have been able to achieve more, with the grenadiers trundling on and Klenau's Division joining them in a general assault. It was not to be. The long threaten thunderstorm broke, and the action came to an end. We had played out the 12 turns.
Well, I knew the parameters of the scenario, and in those terms, the French had won. Our one Victory Point came from the churchyard we had taken from the French. They could count the North Village, the Southwest Village and the dispersal of St-Julien's Division. In addition, our call upon the reserves awarded the French a fourth VP. Although several French units had taken heavy batterings, not one French Division had routed off and dispersed. Not had Marshal Davout seen the need to call upon the heavy horse of St-Sulpice.
The remaining 8 pictures show the state of the battlefield at the close of the action. They begin at the Austrian south wing, travel north, and then repeat on the French side
With this breakthrough, perhaps the Austrians might have been able to achieve more, with the grenadiers trundling on and Klenau's Division joining them in a general assault. It was not to be. The long threaten thunderstorm broke, and the action came to an end. We had played out the 12 turns.
Well, I knew the parameters of the scenario, and in those terms, the French had won. Our one Victory Point came from the churchyard we had taken from the French. They could count the North Village, the Southwest Village and the dispersal of St-Julien's Division. In addition, our call upon the reserves awarded the French a fourth VP. Although several French units had taken heavy batterings, not one French Division had routed off and dispersed. Not had Marshal Davout seen the need to call upon the heavy horse of St-Sulpice.
The remaining 8 pictures show the state of the battlefield at the close of the action. They begin at the Austrian south wing, travel north, and then repeat on the French side
End of Battle - Austrian left flank |
End of battle: Brady's division |
End of battle: the Austrian centre |
End of battle: Austrian right centre |
End of Battle: Austrian right wing |
End of Battle - French right wing |
End of Battle: French centre-right |
End of Battle: French centre and centre-left |
End of Battle: French left wing. |
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