Thursday, November 30, 2017

A hex coordinate idea...

In a recent blog a method of identifying hex cells was offered that could be read off like a squared off map.  My own experience suggests, though, that it is very easy, when reading the 'against the grain' coordinate, to get  the zigs and zags wrong.  I've come up with a system that (a) obviates reading errors, and (b) no one will ever use. 

There it is.  All coordinates are read off in straight lines.  The black markers show which direction the labelled lines run.
In the diagram above, the 5-pointer star is at 6E the 6-pointer at 5J (Note that I have omitted 'I', for entirely arbitrary reasons).  I was wondering just how practical such a system would be.  Probably not very.  I can quite understand why many hex-grid board war games label every cell.

I'll close here with a snap from a 'set piece' playtest in preparation for the Operation Uranus game.  Let us say the 'chelovyek' are getting in some training.  I'm expecting a very tough battle of attrition to begin with...
The attacks go in.  It is not looking promising for the
Red Army...
Note that the trenches and obstacles merely indicate that the Axis troops are in well prepared fortified positions.  I was testing the idea that the defenders could ignore the first (but only the first) SP lost per unit, whether from artillery fire or under close attack.  The flank attacks should negate the fortifications, but in the actual event, army boundaries will put early flank attacks pretty much out of the question - until of course, a breakthrough can be achieved...


  1. I really like the look at what you have done with this over the last few posts :)

    I am going to have to do some reading this weekend looking at this. I have an underused 20mm WWII collection that is begging for some attention of this and the Portable Wargame!

    1. Still very much a WIP, Geordie. But am having a lot of fun with it!

  2. I think the Hex numbering idea is exactly what is needed. When you think about it, it is the exact Hex version duplicate of how squared or chess boards are numbered. It is user friendly and NOT counter-intuitive.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Dick. I thought the main difficulty would lie in visualising where a location is, given the coordinates, but without actually seeing the map. But maybe that is no real problem at all.
