Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Yorktown Recent Buy

Pictured are the cavalry I was lucky enough to find and buy off Trade Me late last week. They arrived on Monday. Pricey - but worth it to round off my small forces. Pre-painted to a good standard, too. I'm very pleased with this purchase.

The figures come with separate horse furniture and riders, so they'll need gluing together. The horses have useful spikes under their hoofs, so should be easily mounted upon some suitable basing. These 5-figure troops will add a bit more variety to the possible scenarios I can set up.
The foot figure is by way of comparison.


  1. “Round off” your forces? Surely not Ion - wargamers invariably need more. 😂🤣
    Seriously, it’s always good to get plenty of variety and options for your armies. Now, about expanding them further… ha ha
    All the best,

    1. Geoff -
      This one - no I don't think I'll add to it. However, a certain Paul Jackson might shortly be doing so to his. Our combined forces might lead to fairly considerable actions.

      The beginnings of this little collection was my then small daughter's discovery nearly 30 years ago of some soldiery in a supermarket. I was a bit at a loss what to do with them until many years later when I discovered an Army Men site that gave some ideas. So her inspired purchase led to something interesting. I admit, though, it is very much a side line, and I haven't done much with it since my postings early in 2011.

  2. Nice looking figures but I am with Geoff....wargamers always need more !!!!! Regards.

    1. These guys were the 'more', I think, Tony! At least for this scale. But I do have plans for ... a little bit more ... in some other projects! I'm still wanting 1877 Turkish regular cavalry in HO/OO scale... But, we agree, one never knows...

  3. This is a splendid development! I only just recently read through all of your older posts with this collection and was sad to see they suddenly dropped off. Looking forward to seeing more of them!

    1. John Y -
      What can I say? I'm a dilettante, flitting from one project to another. I have had a couple of scenarios in mind over the years, one being a kind of reprise of the 'Treasure Island' attack on a redoubt/ blockhouse; the other being a rather larger scale attack on a gun emplacement - probably a Yorktown incident. I think I had a vague 'road block' encounter also in mind.

      I can't think why I haven't played them out - they'd be quick to set up, and take maybe an hour or so. The ideas are there - just takes a bit of something or other to get them done.
