Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sengoku: The Last Faction

Several weeks ago I finally finished off the last of my five Sengoku factions. Sooner or later I will have to begin a campaign set during the 16th/17th century struggles for the Japanese Shogunate.
The Foot Samurai have been divided into Samurai yumi (bow armed) and Samurai yari (hand-to-hand weapons). As the archer numbers are limited, I identify the former as stands that includes a standing bowman figure. The kneeling archers I have determined are ashigaru yumi; and the standing musketeers are Samurai tepo. Somehow, this faction seems to be short at least one element of ashigaru yari
I have added to the collection the pavises that came with the Zvezda figures. They will add some protection to shooting; not sure they can stand as protection in the Portable Wargames rule set and/or obstacles to close assault. Possibly they would hinder cavalry attacks.  



  1. This looks interesting. Very colorful period to see out on the table. I ought to bring mine back out for a battle or two,

    1. They are really nice figures, and I'll probably get in a few battles soonish.

  2. The army looks splendid. Looking forward reading about to your campaign.

    1. I do have a kind of basis for something of the sort, but might have to work out the campaign mechanics. It might end up a hybrid of the Shogun/Ikuza board game, and the Portable Wargames campaign system that I tried out for the Kavkaz campaign.

  3. Replies
    1. The minimalist paint job seems to work with these fellows. The flag motifs, by the way, were pretty much my own ideas.

  4. Should be a colorful struggle. Splendid figures.

    1. I resisted getting these figures for many years - the temptation owing to the figure quality; the resistance due to a reluctance to begin a new project. Then someone added a Sengoku chapter to the Portable Pike and Shot Wargame. Fate does have a persuasive line of argument, don't it? 'Go on. You know you want to...'

  5. Replies
    1. Cheers, Neil. I'll have to do something with them soon...

  6. A fine looking army, perhaps a mini campaign might be in the offing?

    1. I think something is in the wind, Mark. Mind on other (non-wargaming) things right now, but hoping reality doesn't obtrude too much...

  7. Nice work there Ion:)! To my possible eternal shame, I considering using my Samurai as some form of 'Easterlings' as per Lord of the Rings, rather than a historical setting. Early days yet and plenty of stuff in the queue as it is!

    1. Steve -
      No shame there. One's worlds are one's worlds, and, although I don't 'do' what in literary circles is called High Fantasy, I can appreciate its attractions. My own worlds are largely Fantasy of a different sub-genre - alternate histories, by and large, although 'Jono's World' is another planet altogether.

  8. Hi Archduke, Not relevant to this post, but I've just read your First Blacklands War posts and wanted you to know how grateful I am that you went to the effort of writing and sharing them! They are fantastic!

    The only bad part is that you've yet to share the sequel! :)

    1. Colin -
      Thanks for your comment!

      The sequel to the Blacklands war is in the pipeline. I've been working on the army lists, and figuring out the complexities of the political situation left after the First. The style of the battles might be different, and the scale. At the moment it looks as though each element will represent a Division, rather than a Regiment.

      Meanwhile, if you enjoyed that narrative, there is another that might interest you. It was someone else's world, but so intriguing was the premise, I simply had to 'do' a campaign within it.

    2. Marvellous! Thanks Archduke, I shall read this campaign avidly

      Again, thankyou for the effort that you so obviously put into your posts, I greatly appreciate them

    3. M'lord Archduke, Thanks for the link to the Woodscrew campaign. I've now read that and the Ulrichstein revolt campaign both of which were as excellent as the Blacklands War!

      The effort you must put into these and the way you in which you write them up are most gratefully appreciated!! Please keep up the good work!

      And if there are more that I've failed to find, links would be great!

    4. Colin -
      I'm glad you are enjoying my campaign stories! I have done a series rather like a campaign, set around 1875, but based fairly closely upon the Townshend campaign in Mesopotamia in 1915.
      I'll add here one other, though this campaign was never finished. This one 'In Darkest Aithiops' was more frankly a colonial campaign.
      Unfortunately the onset of COVID lockdowns halted this campaign, and we have never quite got around to reviving it. But it was interesting while it lasted.
      The first posting of this series has a link to an earlier action in the area, not part of this campaign, but part of its 'back history'. There you will meet a certain Revd. J Eglington Juggins, DD. briefly mentioned in the intro to the campaign.

      There are other possible narratives I might mention another time...
