As advertised: the Armies.
Ruberian Army: I Army Corps |
Ruberian Army: II (Sangrian) Army Corps; earmarked for an expedition into the Medifluvia |
Ruberian Army: III Army Corps |
Ruberian Army: IV Army Corps |
And now the ...
Azurian Army: I Corps d'Armee |
Azurian Army: II Corps d'Armee |
Azurian Army: III Corps d'Armee |
Among the boxes above, the Army Corps comprise all arms, including an integral machine-gun unit.
In addition, both sides may field a small Cavalry Division of 2-4 stands.
As the war develops, the composition of the forces involved will be listed at each encounter. If the Ruberian II (Sangrian) Corps does get dispatched to Medifluvia, the formation will have a riverine gunboat and transports attached.
Great mix of units and equipment Ion - I do love ImagiNation games!
ReplyDeleteMaudlin Jack -
DeleteI think I might have just about figured out a generating circumstance for the war I have in mind. It looks as though the first action might turn out to be naval. Once I have figured out the 'prologue' things should pick up a bit.
That is an impressive array of figures. A wargamers dream to be able to uniquely represent every unit in a campaign. Very much looking forward to seeing the next chapters in your campaign saga. Bravo!
ReplyDeleteWEK3 -
DeleteThis is intended to be a large war, though whether I can get even 3 Army Corps on one table might be problematical. There's one or two other considerations: the extent, for example, I want to go down the 'Map Games' track. I've gone up a scale from my Kavkaz Campaign (which looks likely now to become the 'trigger' for a wider conflict), so Map Games seems the likely route.
Great start in seeing the troops that will take part in the campaign, and very nice they look too. Looking forward to following this.
ReplyDeleteDonnie -
DeleteI ought to have mentioned that there are two other armies involved. But they will be the subject of my next posting.
Even better Ion, more goodies on show!
DeleteAn awful lot of figures/armies there Ion 👏👏 I look forward to reading how your campaign pans out.
Geoff -
DeleteThe whole gig began just over 30 years ago, with the intention of developing a 'Little Wars' type of game. I even worked out a no-dice combat system that offered what I considered to be more 'reasonable' results than the Wells concept. The thing went through a couple more iterations without doing very much, until the Portable Wargame came along. One of my earliest outings with these figures was an encounter based upon the disastrous Townshend Mesopotamian campaign of 1915, but set maybe 30 years earlier.
I used the Azurian figures and came up with TURQUOISE as an alternate BLUE. Eventually I decided that Turquoise ought to have an army of its own, and eventually gave it an OPFOR something vaguely Russian: Izumrud-Zeleniya. These latter armies are only half the size (roughly) of the original RED and BLUE. Then the navies came along during the Blacklands War...
The thing has taken a life of its own.
I look at your blog often Ion, but have not commented for ages. So, I am rectifying this in a small way.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy the breath and creativity of your projects and particularly enjoy your conversions of some of my favourite 1/72 figures to different units and periods.
Regards, James
James -
DeleteI glad to have your readership, but comments are always welcome! It's nice to think someone thinks my projects broad and creative! But I do have a lot of fun with them, and sometimes the prep work takes one exciting places one never intended to go. Until maybe 6 years ago, I never thought to expand my naval projects beyond the occasional warship...
And this project had small beginnings with a whole different aim in view.
An impressive collection! I especially like your use of those old ESCI, now picked up by Italeri 1/72 sets. I'm looking forward to the start of the campaign.
ReplyDeleteMark -
DeleteThe ESCI figures I've had for over 30 years, but didn't do very much with them for more than 20 of those years. The Portable Wargame kicked the thing into motion. To RED and BLUE I have added two more armies, using Strelets-R as well as some spare ESCI figures I had lying around. I'd love to get hold of some Strelets Turkish Cavalry of the 1877 war, but, so far, no dice. I'll have to use proxies. Much of the artillery, by the way, is adapted from ESCI Napoleonic pieces, although I have added to them HaT artillery and machine guns (RED has Gatlings, the other armies Gardner/Nordenfeld).
Ion - I love these armies! Great to see a mixture of the older plastic figures being used. I still have loads of my old Airfix, plus some Esci (all unpainted to my shame!). Amongst them are some Esci British Colonial Infantry (plus Zulus) and Crimean Russian artillery. I will never use them, would they be of use to you? I don’t want anything for them.
Ian -
DeleteThanks for your comment! Those old figures still have their charm! I have a lot of Airfix Washington's Army and Grenadiers that I use for 18th Century Imagi-Nations. If you don't much like painting plastics you might try a black undercoat, dry-brush with white, then add coat colour and black equipment. I used a minimalist paint job on my Samurai, and it seems to work.
Having said that, I could use some of the figures you suggested. I have a BLACK nation (the M'yeusi) in mind that I didn't think would ever see the light of day. BUT... I live in New Zealand, so it would be remiss of me not to offer something in return.
I do have a few things I could probably do without, but whether they would be of interest to you, I don't know.
I'll have to look up what the postage would be! All of my armies these days are the old 15mm Peter Laings - of which I have more than I will probably ever manage to use, but.... So if you do know of any 'going spare' there, please let me know!
DeleteIan -
DeleteI had half an idea you might be into 15mm Peter Laings. There I have to tell you that the only 15mm I have are Tin Soldier Byzantines. I may have a handful surplus to requirements, but they would be oddments only, I think. I'd have to check. By the way, these figures are nominally 15mm, but are more like 17-18mm.
On reflection, tempted though I am, it is probably best to leave things as they are. Having expanded well beyond my original intention, my armies and navies are now pretty much complete in themselves. Time for hostilities to begin!
Cheers, and thanks -