These three pictures... |
As the Imperialists continued their steady and stately march, Marshal Noailles could do little more than hunker down in the rear slopes of the Chateau Ridge, and in the strongpoint itself, and pull his cavalry behind the Farm on his right.
...present a panarama of the battlefield... |
But the Chateau was proving something of a bone in the throat for the Archduke, flanking as it was any attempt to force the ridge, or to storm the east-facing earthworks
...looking north from behind Imperialist lines |
For his part, General Plodt was doing his best with his exiguous army to assist the Imperialists. The Pandours had pushed the Rebel Jager half way through the East Woods, but their drive had become stalled in the face of determined resistance. The Electoral infantry also left the safety of the ridge crest and advanced upon the field works. This was something of a thankless task for the Electoral infantry, under a galling gunfire, and unlikely to make head against the strong defence line facing them. But for Plodt, and for the Archduke they were performing a vital function as the electoral guns brought down a hail of shell fore upon the Rechburg cannon.
The Rebel 2nd Bde can be discerned behind the Chateau Ridge
awaiting the Imperialist attack. |
Their masking work done, Prittwitz cavalry drew back to make room for the Electoral Winterfeldt and the Imperial Arenburg Infantry to engage the Chateau garrison. Considering the protection enjoyed by the latter, the early volleys were deadly enough, but if the Rebels were to be forced out, the range had to be closed - or else an all out assault mounted.
Looking west along the battlefield. The yellow flags
clearly show the line of 2nd Brigade. |
In the centre, the Imperialists had paused in their advance preparatory to a concerted surge over the crest line. Hildberghausen Infantry skirted the west end of the ridge, to find a reserve line already being prepared.
But behind Hildburghausen, whose advance served to mask developments behind them, A mass assault was in preparation to force the farm. Second Artillery was already in action battering the lead battalion of 3rd Brigade. Heavily protected by cavalry, the Feldjagerkorps were enveloping the Farm from the West flank, drawing ever closer. Palffy Infantry edged forward in an assault column, ready to decide the issue.
All too soon, Hildberghausen and Baden-Durlach crested the ridge and delivered a blistering short range volley into the Rebel 3rd Brigade. For their part, the latter's reserved fire did considerable execution among their foes as well.

A brief but savage fire fight saw the right and centre battalions of 2nd Brigade break, and make off to the rear. The larger Imperial units were able better to withstand the punishment, though Hildberghausen, directly under the Rebel guns, found itself unable to advance further.
On the east flank, the Rebel Jager had not only arrested the Pandours' advance through the woods, but had driven them back out again. This was however, more than balanced by silencing of the Rechburg guns. So heavy were their looses that the survivors had to abandon have the ordnance as they made of to the rear.

Having edged the Rebels, barring the Chateau garrison, off the Chateau Ridge, and forced the enemy army within a restricted perimeter; the Rechburg guns having been put out of action, the Imperialist stood ready all along the line to begin the decisive assault. The Archduke felt certain that right now the fate of Ulrichstein lay teetering in the balance...
At this point he game was adjourned. Neither of us realised it would be three weeks before we could resume and conclude the action. So far the Rebel Alliance right flank and right-centre had been forced back, and the Rechburg guns put out of action. But all this had come at a price, Imperial and Electoral losses so far having been the heavier overall.
Greeting Archduke
ReplyDeleteits nearly over I hear and I wish to congratulate you on what I am sure is the eve of your final victory! But to be truthful I must note how sorry I feel for Noailles he has fought bravely. To be honest the work of General Noailles to restore dignity to the rebellion was great and must be acknowledged. if he surrenders himself after the battle let his life be spared! such a mind must be put to good use.
If the punishment to passed down upon him is death then I ask, Nay demand that you do all within your power to spare the man! If the emperor orders you to slay him then tell him that I personally have requested mercy to given to Noailles. If the emperor doesn't care for my request I'll have to personally review my relationship with him.
But to you Archduke Piccolo I shall always extend a hand of friendship.
Eduardo Martínez
You will just have to wait and see how it turns out! But it really is nice to see readers engaged in the outcome of this narrative. Thank you.
Deleteyour welcome, its very interesting to read through the campaign as if it was a story because to many extents it is! Yet unlike a story there is no set narrative its more like one of those pic-a-path books where going to wrong way normally means you die.
DeleteWhat I mean about that is, that although yes this is the story of the rebellion and this campaign and yes there is definitely a story here, anything can happen! if you were to lose a game for example the narrative would have to change! this makes it much more exciting and draws many of us in also.
I have set my time zone in the 18th century very close to yours for a reason... I love this story so much I can't help but try and be involved! even if it is as Eduardo congratulating a friend (who knows how they know each other) but its just so exiting. of coarse if I had set my story later I would have communicated through a previous mayor... any way great story I wait to see its conclusion.
The notion that Eduardo of Oronegro striking up a correspondence with the Archduke Piccolo (say) by offering congratulations is not at all implausible. That sort of thing was not unusual during the Age of Reason. Heads of State corresponded with each other, and often with others aswell. King Frederick the Great of Prussia corresponded with Voltaire (a friendship that took a bit of a knock when they met, apparently).
well that's interesting... shame about things not going well after meeting each other but still and interesting story
DeleteAlmost sounds like its time for a freak thunder storm forcing the battle to end without a decision, leading to one more chance.
ReplyDeleteAll looks and sounds good.
There are still a few twists to come in this tale. But, yes, it does look as though the Rebellion will need divine intervention to survive. But the Divine is less inclined to take sides than the demagogues would have us believe...