Sunday, March 2, 2025

More Chromatic Wars Armies...


Here are the other belligerents in the Great Little War (Little Great War) about to break out.

The Turcowaz (TURQUOISE) - less its cavalry
Turcowaz: 3 small Divisions of regulars; 3 larger 
Divsions of bashi-bazouk, backed by artillery and machine guns.
Army of Izumrud-Zelenia: 4 infantry Divisions, 
and 2 Divisions of light cavalry. Somehow the weak 
Turcowaz cavalry brigade has snuck into this picture.


The Turcowaz is substantially the larger army, but will have a column of Ruberian troops to contend with at quite the other end of the Settee Empire. That could present a problem...

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Chromatic Wars Chronicles - Armies

As advertised: the Armies.


Ruberian Army: I Army Corps

Ruberian Army: II (Sangrian) Army Corps;
earmarked for an expedition into the Medifluvia

Ruberian Army: III Army Corps

Ruberian Army: IV Army Corps

And now the ...


Azurian Army: I Corps d'Armee

Azurian Army: II Corps d'Armee

Azurian Army: III Corps d'Armee

 Among the boxes above, the Army Corps comprise all arms, including an integral machine-gun unit.
In addition, both sides may field a small Cavalry Division of 2-4 stands.

As the war develops, the composition of the forces involved will be listed at each encounter. If the Ruberian II (Sangrian) Corps does get dispatched to Medifluvia, the formation will have a riverine gunboat and transports attached.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

A World of the Wars

Royal Ruberian Navy: 1st Battle Squadron
and 12th Destroyer Flotilla.

For the last several weeks I have been working on the armed forces for my Chromatic Wars. These feature the armed forces of Ruberia (RED) and Izumrud-Zeleniya (GREEN) on the one side, and Azuria (BLUE) and Turcowaz (TURQUOISE) on the other. The latter countries in the respective alliances featured in the Kavkaz Campaign of a couple of years or so back. The armies - especially the larger Azurian andd Ruberian - have been reorganised into Army Corps. Izumrud-Zeleniya has an extra Division, building up to four.
1st Battle Squadron: top to bottom of pic: HMSS 
Thunderer, Victoria and earlier 'Admiral class'.

But the major work has been the ship building. Here are the lists:

I had to build the Ruberian sea-going fleet from nothing. It now comprises:

  • 1st Battle Squadron of 3 early ironclad and pre-dreadnought battleships
  • 2nd Battle Squadron of 3 later pre-dreadnought battleships
  • 8th Destroyer Flotilla of 1 'S' Class and 2 'R(iver)' class destroyer/torpedo boats
  • 12th Destoyer Flotilla, ditto
  • Protected Cruiser Endymion (Capt. Sir Horatio Trumpeter)

The powerful 2nd Battle Squadron:
HMSS Royal Sovereign (leading), Agamemnon and 
Ruberian cruiser Endymion

The Azuria Navy is much less powerful. It comprises:
  • 2 early pre-dreadnought battleships
  • 1 early ironclad battleship
  • Destroyer/Torpedo boat flotilla of 4 vessels
  • 2 'Flatiron' gunboats of the Acheron class
Azurian Navy: Hoche (leading), Carnot
and Amiral Duperre

This fleet is based upon the French of the pre-dreadnought era, a time at which its ship designers seemed to be exploring the 'steam-punk' genre of naval architecture. Very weird designs - and I had to find ships that had fewer than the five or six funnels they favoured. I may add a later pre-dreadnought to the fleet to give the Azurian Navy a bit more beef. 
ANS Hoche
An alternative might be to requisition at least some of the 'Hellenistic' navy - at least the French-designed Hydra class ironclad battleships. The difficulty there, is that Helleniya is hostile to Turcowaz, so an alliance there is out of the question. But if France retained some Hydra class units in its own navy, then they could justifiably be added.

ANS Carnot

Ironclad battleship Amiral Duperre

Azurian Torpedo Boat flotilla.

Finally, I gave the Izumrud-Zeleniya two pre-dreadnought battleships. The Ekaterina II is, of course, Russian, and a fine looking unit it looks, too.

Izumrud-Zeleniya battleship Tsarina Ekaterina II

Although the second ship has a Russian sounding name, it is derived, in fact, from the Austrian - one of the last pre-dreadnoughts ever built. It is the powerful Radetzky - match for any single ship in my Chromatic World.
The powerful Izumrud-Zeleniyan battleship 
The Izumrud-Zeleniya Navy comprises:
  • Pre-dreadnought Ekaterina II (Bolshaya Katya - Big Kate)
  • Pre-dreadnought Radetzky
  • Light cruiser Elizaveta
  • 3 small torpedo boats
The last two 'dot' items have been 'requisitioned from the 'Rhumbaba' navy, which is not itself an 'actor' in this drama.

The Turcowaz navy has featured in an earlier campaign, the First Blacklands War. As a reminder, here is its composition:
  • 2 pre-dreadnought battleships of the Turgut Reis class
  • 1 ironclad battleship
  • 1 protected cruiser
  • 4 Destroyer/ Torpedo boats.
Later, I will talk about the armies, and perhaps make some preliminary remarks about how the war looks to be developing.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Fleet Action 2


Opening salvoes. HMS Impetuous takes a 
couple of critical hits, its speed reduced.

Following on from the previous posting, here is a pictorial narrative of the rest of the action. The fleets on opposite parallel course, the affray was brief...

Ruberian gunfire concentrates upon the 
lead Azurian ships.

The immediate effect of the Ruberian envelopment move was that much the lead two Azurian ships, Vigilant and Ixolite, came in for early attention. Second Squadron was practically 'crossing the T'. A lucky 12-inch shell from Infernal struck Vigilant's bridge, knocking out its command and control. For almost the whole remainder of the action, Vigilant was fixed upon its course and speed, and, lacking direction, its guns out of action.

Having 'crossed the T', 2nd RED Squadron alters 
course to southeast. RNS Vigilant has taken a 
hit to the bridge.

RNS Vigilant fixed upon its course, the rest of the Azurian fleet had little option bit to follow along. HMS Impudent shoved a torpedo into Ivrian, though the damage was fairly minor. Xaviera lost its starboard secondary weapons. 

2nd Squadron's gunnery is impressive!
Meanwhile HMS Impetuous, having taken heavy punishment, was left dead in the water, with its forward main guns and port side secondaries out of action. The other two ships of 1st Squadron altered course due east to close the range and possibly to cross the T of the retreating Azurian column.

...but so is the Azurian. Implacable, Infernal and 
all take heavy damage.

The Azurian fleet gives as good as it is getting. Ivrian avenges itself against Intrepid with a torpedo strike of its own. Intrepid finds its wallowing in the water, its speed halved. Infernal takes damage to its secondary weapons, as does Implacable.

RNS Icarus's command knocked out, it carries on the 
same course. The remainder of the fleet has little option
but to follow along.

For some reason, the above pic refuses to take a caption. As the Azurian fleet follows the stricken Vigilant, still struggling to restore command and control, the gunfire from four ships concentrates upon the rear squadron. HMS Impetuous having taken heavy damage is stopped in the water, half its guns out of action. HMS Intrepid engages the rear of the leading Azurian squadron. RNS Valiant takes fearful punishment, and loses its starboard secondary armament. Nine hits reduce the vessel into a wreck - but one that can still swim, and still shoot.

Azurian gunfire concentrates upon HMS Intrepid
damaging the engines and the steering. RNS Valiant
scores zero hits - even its torpedoes missing.

As the Azurian fleet carries on its northwest course, much of its fire concentrates upon the rearward two shops of Second Squadron: Infernal and Intrepid. Infernal loses its starboard secondary weapons, but a potentially serious fire in soon put out. Intrepid takes a hit to the engines, halving it speed. It might have been more serious for Infernal, but, under the concentrated enemy fire, Valiant's gunfire and torpedo attack is totally ineffective.
Azurian fleet escapes - but for RNS Valiant, which 
sinks under the weight of incoming from 
HMSS Implacable, Impudent and Intrepid

At last Vigilant recovers its command and control as Lieutenant Pascal establishes a command centre in the shattered bridge. However he carries on his present course, the rest of the fleet following. Except for Valiant. A shattered wreck in an almost sinking condition, it still has its primary weapons, and manages three hits upon Infernal. That - and the serious fire that began -  would have been enough to pull Infernal out of the battle line, but Valiant's brief but gallant fight against three adversaries could have but one outcome. Blazing from many fires, Valiant went down.

It was left to the Ruberians to pick up survivors, and, of course, they claimed the victory. But they also knew they had been in a fight. Impetuous had been badly knocked about and had to be taken in tow. Infernal's crew struggled to put out its fires, but at least were unhampered by enemy gunfire. Intrepid also had to effect repairs to its steering.

But the Azurian fleet had taken worse damage, quite apart from the loss of Valiant. The whole of Second Squadron, leading the Azurian line, had taken enough damage to discourage a renewal of the battle. It was fortunate that by continuing on their course, as the damage to Xaviera's engines reduced the speed of the column.


So much for the test of Bob Cordery's 'Belle Epoque' pre-dreadnought naval battle rule set. Tell you what: the action was pretty brisk, and full of incident!  Keeping a kind of battle log is essential, of course, and some kind of marker indicating temporary damage, such as fires or loss of command and control.

A hastily drawn up battle log chart.

I have to confess to a mistake in my gunfire for the first couple of turns, counting 'dice per broadside' (in effect). That was just absent-mindedness, not really a misinterpretation. It didn't affect anything. But the error corrected in subsequent turns the damage to both sides mounted very quickly. From the first salvo to the last, the battle lasted six turns only.  Had the fleets been on parallel courses on the same bearing, I doubt it would have lasted beyond even a seventh turn.

The completed battle log. A bit of an ad hoc mess
but the information is all there.

I'm almost inclined to suggest that to achieve hits, a 6 is required. That of course would entail a different approach to determining critical damage. It would have the effect of slowing down the action - but also would make it probably more chancy.

I'll leave that as a very tentative suggestion, however. As it stands, La Belle Epoque is very playable for fleet actions. I didn't time the battle, but I doubt it took more than an hour or so.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Fleet Action - La Belle Epoque

I have been meaning for quite a while to try out Bob Cordery's Belle Epoque naval wargames set. Not having the Monopoly warship game pieces, I do have some Age of Imperialism vessels of suitable design and a good sized gridded game surface gleaned from my SPI Fighting Sail game.

Game map, fleets rule set and a hastily drawn up log sheet.

This pitted the inveterate enemies, Ruberia (RED) against Azuria (BLUE); fleets of 6 ships apiece. And I'm here to tell you the action was fast, furious, and quite fun, really.  

... and some dice: red for Ruberia; white for Azuria

In the year 1891, a border dispute erupted (as was almost an annual event) between the Kingdom of Ruberia and the Republic of Azuria. There had, apparently, been renewed contention over the fishing rights over the Doggerel Bank - though modern historiography seems to hint at more behind. The fleets were quickly mobilised and sailed off to 'protect' the fishing grounds against Johnny Foreigner and/or Perfidious Albert.

The log sheet. I ought to have taken a pic of the post-battle sheet!

The Fleets comprised:

RUBERIA: Admiral Sir Jno Jellibene

1st Squadron: Vice-Admiral James Doughty
11. Impetuous
12. Implacable
13. Impudent

2nd Squadron: Rear-Admiral Sir Horatio Trumpeter
14. Indefatigable
15. Infernal
16. Intrepid

The fleets approach. The Ruberians begin their 
envelopment manoeuvre

AZURIA: Vice-Admiral Honore Ganteaume

1-er Escadron: Rear-Admiral Jonas Poisson-Care
1. Icarus
4. Ivrian
5. Valiant

2-me Escadron: Capitaine Guillaume Enseigner
6. Vigilant
9. Ixolite
10. Xaviera

In response, the Azurians begin to form a 
single battle line ahead
Approaching each other along the northwest-southeast axis, both sides squadrons formed separate columns. The Azuria were close together, the Ruberian more distant apart. This I decided by dice rolls indicating distance from the corner ('1' being the corner itself). The Ruberians rolled 1 and 4, 1st Squadron in the starboard column. Premier Esqadron formed the starboard Azuria column as well; the rolls were 4 and 5. Had either of the rolls been doubles, then they would have formed a single line of battle. The Azurians later would indeed so become, 1-ier Escadron taking station behind 2-me.
Into the jaws... or a kick in the ... erm ...
The Ruberian columns widely separated to begin with, Admiral Jellibene ordered divergent courses, the idea being to envelop the head of the Azurian line to inflict heavy damage on the lead ships before the rearward vessels came into range. How well that turned out will be the topic of the next posting. For now, here are the results of the opening salvos: two hits upon Vigilant, two critical hits upon Impetuous...
Opening salvos. Both sides get the range.
To be continued...

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Chromatic Chronicles - Another Naval Project

 One of the reasons for the Roman Civil War taking so long to play through and write up had to do with other projects I had going. One of them was the Chromatic Wars, so called because the warring nations were named after colours. Long term readers might recall from late 2020, the outbreak of the First Blacklands War, as newly created nations sought to expand their territories at the expense of the Settee Empire, more generally known as Turcowaz (TURQUOISE).

That campaign had a tendency to grow as one of the nations, Hellenica, had built a navy (based upon the Greek), in order to blockade the Empire by sea. A link to the whole narrative may be found at the top of the column to the right.

The nations Chervenia and Rhumbaba have both acquired very small navies since then, in preparation for the Second Blacklands War.

In the last few days I have resumed the ship building programme that is the subject of the following pictures.

Of the six vessels shown above, all except the two bottom left were made in the last four or five days. The two on the bottom left were inspired by Bob Cordery's articles on flatiron gunboats.  

'Flatiron' gunboats. Modeled on real ones, but 
I can't identify them! I lost my notes.
Compared with the other vessels these are somewhat overscale! I made them a couple of years back. They are based on real examples of the flatiron type, but I find I can not identify them! I think they were British.
HMS Victoria - yes, the one carrying Adm. Tryon's flag.
Ruberian Navy (

All these vessels were built in what I call my 'Chubby Marine' style (the appellation a nod towards the Fujimi 'Chibi Maru' models of IJN ships of WW2). The ships (apart form the Flatiron types) are very roughly scaled at 1:1200 in length, and 1:600 in the beam.
HMS Thunderer - Ruberian Navy

Thunderer comes out as a very small vessel in this scale - just 8cm long. Its sole armament comprises the four early 12" guns; there is no secondary armament.
IZNS Tsarina Ekaterina II - Navy of Izumrud -Zeleniya

I saw a really nice picture of this vessel and was struck by how elegant it looked. The main guns are barbette mounted. Now, while it is clear that the secondary armament can not shoot across the centre line projection forward or aft, one has to ask, to what extent the main forward guns can. Clearly the secondary armament forward and aft shooting effectiveness must be half the 'broadside'. What about the effectiveness of the main guns firing forward?

Now, my own variant of Bob Cordery's Portable Naval Wargames rules uses his gunnery stats, but, instead of standardising on ship type as he does, I have standardised on 4 guns of each of the listed types. This does complicate matters, requiring special stat lists, but I like the results (as seen in the Blacklands War naval actions).

Now, HMS Victoria (this vessel will probably receive a different name) had huge16.25" guns in its (fatally) massive gun turret. I gather they were installed in lieu of 13.5" guns that were unavailable at the time of commissioning. So let's for the sake of this article, pretend they are the equivalent of the most powerful ordnance in the 'pre-dreadnought' list: the 'modern' 11 or 12-inch guns.

The gun range is 8 hexes; the standard effect 9D6, reducing by 1 for each hex added to the adjacent for range. At 8 hexes range, the effect is down to 2D6. But the 9D6s go for 4 guns; Victoria has 2 only, firing forward or in broadside. So its effect must be halved: 5D6s, reducing to 1D6 at 8 hexes range.

What about the 'Y' turret at the stern? It houses a single 10-inch gun. 
The standard 4-gun shoot has a range of 6 hexes, with 7D6 at 1hex range. As Victoria has but one such gun, it rolls just 2D6 at 1 hex range, reducing to 1D6 at 3 to 6 hexes. 

For this vessel, the stern gun I count as a primary. This vessel's secondary 6-inch guns in broadside casemates shoot at the standard rate. Strictly speaking it should be allowed a 50% extra, but I'll stay with the four guns per side of the model, rather than the historical 6. These guns fire abeam only.

Work in progress: HMS Royal Sovereign (RED)

I admit to taking considerable licence with this ship. Of the eight Royal Sovereigns built, only one, HMS Hood, had turreted main guns. At that, those turrets were cake-tin shaped, rather than the shape I gave them here. The secondary turrets - far more substantial that the barbette emplacements - have been placed slightly nearer the ends of the vessel. Begun today, it now awaits its paint work.
4x13.5" main guns; 10x6" secondaries.

I will have to add in 'Modern' 13.5" guns to the pre-dreadnought ordnance list, for the vessels of my fleet that carry them. This will make Royal Sovereign a very powerful vessel, the main guns reaching out to 10 hexes. An alternative (quite an arbitrary one) is to go with the stats for the 'modern' 12" guns listed in the Portable Dreadnought game. The extra 3 dice at all ranges in broadside would be bad enough at the incoming end...

More pics of the whole group...

If anyone can help me identify what my flatiron gunboats most resemble. I'm fairly sure they aren't monitors...