Uhlan's striking a French square. On this occasion the Allied horse did rather better than had the French cuirassiers not long earlier, and managed to force the infantry to retire - for the time being at least.

In the meantime, the French centre had to sustain itself as best it might against the heavy cavalry attacks that von Jaxen mounted. At that, the Allies enjoyed rather more success than the French had, and succeeded in forcing the enemy back across the river road. The Uhlans scored the astonishing feat of forcing the square of the 64th line break up. But to achieve so much exhausted the Allied cavalry almost as much as the French horse had been. The Uhlans were left a rump of their former numbers and presence, the other Allied cavalry were equally unable to undertake further action.

Shall we let the gallant Marshal take up once more the narrative:
'... under cover of these early attacks, and despite the enemy's effort to drive in our centre, our infantry were advancing in great style, all along the line. True, Beaujolais's attack on the enclosed field failed for want of artillery support, but the wavering of the infantry and silencing of the unicorn battery was sustained only by the stubbornness of the Murmansk Grenadiers - a crack formation. On the left, the Prussians were pitched out of Falshof at bayonet point, a brief resistance at the southern end of the town swiftly dispatched, and finally, the column of the 34th with to its right the line of the 61st, the both preceded by their voltigeur companies in skirmish order vanished into the late afternoon shadow of the heights beyond the village. ...'

The French attack came within an ace of carrying the enclosed fields, but the Russians held on by their teeth, and it was the French who had to give back and draw breath.
'... The discomfiture of Beaujolais's command was completed when some squadrons of Russian heavy cavalry struck the flank of the 40th line before that unit could form square. Though taking considerable loss, the survivors fell back in reasonably good order, but the Cuirassiers' success bore a high cost. They would be unable to undertake any further such adventures for the rest of the day.
'The day, indeed, was drawing to a close. General Cabernet-Sauvignon's adance up the slopes of the heights behind Falshof were slowed more by the steep slopes than the resistance offered by the remnants of the 8th Jager and the Silesian Landwehr, despite the support the latter were receiving from a 6pr battery. I (Dubonnet) called up some 12-pounders to assist, which rapidly beat down the lighter Prussian ordnance, whereat the defenders crowning to heights incontinently gave up their charge and abandoned the position. On the right, Beaujolais had called up two batteries and was at last pounding the Russians out of the enclosures. In the centre, our advance was becoming general as the Allies began losing cohesion. With the day well advanced, the sun sinking behind the smoke of Beaujolais's battle, the enemy finally pulled out.
Our river crossing was secure.'
The final pictures illustrate the final stages of the action. Here, the Prussian lines are already looking ragged.

"The Hand of God" was what Paul Jackson (who played the role of Marshal von Jaxen, and took the pictures as well) called this. The dude leaning across the table is none other than myself, on this occasion in the role of Marshal Dubonnet. Unfortunately, my left arm somewhat obscures the successful storming of the Falshof Heights (The 61st Line is completely invisible).

End of the action: the Prussian abandon the heights, and the Allies pull out.
'May I close, sire, by commending my Division commanders Cabernet-Sauvignon and Beaujolais for their tenacity of spirit and constancy of purpose: and to the unfortunate Morlot, who, despite misfortune, had sufficient cavalry under command at the end of the day to present a bold front to the enemy. We have now under guard about 800 prisoners, and estimate further losses to the enemy of perhaps 2400 at least. Our own, I place at 2600 - almost the half incurred by the cavalry. Though I deplore the loss to our horse, our forcing of the River Falsover was an undoubted success.
I remain, etc, etc,...'