Tuesday, August 24, 2021



The Waterloo table set up

Some time ago, I made some noises about a Waterloo battle to be set up on my little hex-table. That battle was fought out a couple of weeks back, setting up late one evening, and being fought out in fairly leisurely fashion over the next two days. I took some 99 pictures, of which maybe 90 survived the 'first pass' quality control. The rest I've listed and captioned on paper. I'm still undecided how I am to report this - a blow-by-blow with nearly all the pictures, or a broader brush narrative with a selection of, say, a dozen or so.

Waterloo, early developments


  1. Looking forward to it, whichever way you chose.

  2. Oooh, Napoleonics on hexes. Full complement, I'd say.

  3. I would prefer a blow by blow account of the battle with ALL the photos please. Regards

  4. Archduke Piccolo,

    I’d love to read a detailed, heavily illustrated blow-by-blow account of the battle if that is at all possible.

    All the best,


  5. Looks grand Ion, bring it on. Any way you like it'll be good.

  6. H'mmm ... looks like the votes are in favour of seeing the whole thing. Thanks everyone, for your responses.

    I WAS going to do a summary, but as I went through the pictures, the notion of a 'blow by blow' didn't seem too bad an idea. It will be a task, though. For some reason, uploading multiple pictures are apt to reverse their order...

    Archduke Piccolo
